Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Far Away From Crown Center

Hey, Scooter & Alphonse! We flew to LA Wed. leaving ice and snow behind and met Conrad's sisters at Santa Monica Pier for dinner. Then Thurs. we biked from Hermosa beach to Marina Del Ray, a total of 18 miles.

Now we're in Thailand! After flying 3 hours from Kansas City to LA, 13 hours from LA to Taipei, and another 4 hours from Taipei to Chaing Mai, we made it! Gee, 20 hours on the plane! Now we have to stay awake until it's nighttime here, which is daytime there, and hopefuly get our internal clocks reset in time to enjoy tomorrow! We'll be in Cambodia around Feb. 17 where we plan to visit our well families. (To read about the well families visit Conrad's blog at http://kcconrad.blogspot.com/. We are doing the Angkor Wat extention, not the Phuket extension.

Keep things humming at Crown Center while we're away, OK?!

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